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Could you be suffering from COVID-somnia?

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Have you had trouble sleeping in recent months? Has your insomnia turned into an ongoing thing?

It could be that you’re suffering from COVID-somnia. And you’re not alone.

Physicians, and specifically sleep neurologists, have been reporting that the number of patients with sleep issues– and those requiring medical help for it — has skyrocketed since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

These common cases of insomnia are linked to the inability to fall or stay asleep because of nervous thoughts racing through the mind at all hours of the night or even recurrent nightmares. COVID-somnia could affect those who have recovered from the virus but their body is not quite back to its usual self, those who are frightened that they might get the virus, or those who are afraid of all of the other negative impacts that have come along with it — such as a potential job loss, loss of a loved one, or social isolation. Extended time at home with the possibility of daytime naps and waking up later could also be robbing you of nighttime sleep.

Chronic Insomnia is generally defined as not being able to fall asleep within 30 minutes of lying down more than three times a week for more than three months.

Chronic Insomnia and Your Health

According to Sleep Better Austin’s expert Dr. Max Kerr, chronic loss of sleep or poor quality sleep, not only affects your mood but your body’s immunity system which impacts your body’s ability to fight infections and viruses. “To protect yourself against COVID, you need to have good sleep stored up to boost the body’s immunity,” says Dr. Kerr. “One of the best ways you can help induce better sleep for yourself is to stick to a set schedule–train your body to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.”

Other tips that Dr. Kerr offers to combat insomnia include:

  • Create a peaceful wind-down routine at night, such as taking a warm bath, reading, journaling, or listening to relaxing music.
  • Avoid watching the news late in the evening so that your mind does not focus on stressful scenarios at the end of the day.
  • Spend plenty of time outdoors in the sunshine to soak up the benefits of Vitamin D, a natural sleep enhancer.

What Causes Loud Snoring?

If your sleep issues seem to be stemming from something other than the stress of COVID, such as from yours or your partner’s heavy snoring, sleep apnea may be to blame. Sleep apnea is a condition that causes irregular breathing patterns and disruptive snoring and loss of sleep at night.

Treatment for Snoring

Fortunately, there are several effective treatment options for it, including Sleep Better Austin’s innovative Oral Appliance Therapy. Oral Appliance Therapy is one that has consistently proven successful when other treatments, such as CPAP machines, don’t work.

To learn more about sleep apnea treatment and how it can improve your sleep quality and immunity, please contact us to schedule a complimentary appointment with one of our experts in dental sleep medicine.