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KXAN Studio 512: Sleep Divorce and Oral Appliance Sleep Apnea Treatment

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If you’ve been banished to another room by your partner because you snore, you aren’t alone. Couples opting for a ‘sleep divorce’ are on the rise. Dental sleep expert Dr. Brandon Hedgecock was featured on KXAN’s Studio 512 to explain how couples can get back in the same bed AND both get a good night’s sleep using oral appliance therapy to treat sleep apnea.

What is a sleep divorce and why are they on the rise? 

Sleep divorce is when partners that normally sleep in the same bed choose to sleep in separate beds because of snoring. Sleep divorce is becoming more common as more people are suffering from snoring and sleep apnea.

What causes snoring? How is it related to sleep apnea?

Snoring can be due to a number of reasons including your mouth anatomy, chronic nasal conditions, sleep position, and sleep deprivation.  When you fall asleep, your muscles, including your jaw, relax and the tongue falls into the back of the throat. The airway narrows and causes vibration, which is when snoring occurs.

Almost all people that suffer from sleep apnea also snore.

What are some tips for getting a better night’s sleep to avoid a sleep divorce?

  • Invest in a larger mattress or consider using completely separate blankets but on the same bed
  • Look into a white noise machine or earplugs safe for sleeping to drown out snoring
  • Work on better bedtime routines together so that both are winding down at the same time
  • Turn off electronics an hour before bed and remove from room
  • Make sure bedroom is dark and comfortable temperature
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime
  • Stay active

Call Sleep Better Austin for a complimentary consultation to find out if oral appliance therapy sleep apnea treatment is right for you. Sleep Better Austin has 4 Austin-area locations including South Austin, Central Austin, Cedar Park and Georgetown. And we now offering zero down financing for oral appliance therapy. Learn more about our financing options here.

Watch Dr. Brandon Hedgecock on KXAN Studio 512.